July 15 1980
It’s been 29 years since my brother Robert got kill. How you cope with a death of a love one?
My family and I had move on since that horrible day, but many questions still remain.
Since I’d become Christian, those questions had increased in a more spiritual meaning.
I always ask people if is possible for a non-Christian person to go to Heaven after death, no body has the answer I want to hear. My hope is that my brother made peace with our Creator before he died.
Our God is a loving God and justs to forgive.
My brother was a good 22 years old young guy,
He was one of my best friends.
He was always with me.
We always played together when we were little.
We were only two years apart, which is way we were good friends.
In a bad day we will argue or fist fight, but after a few hours we were friends again and everything was forgiven.
He never had the opportunity to get married.
He was a happy person.
He was a good friend to his friends.
He was a very hard working person.
He was a good son to my parents.
I pray that our Lord in Heaven had forgiven his trespasses.
I pray that my brother is enjoying the eternal life God has promised to us.
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